Q&A With Our New US Territory Manager Collette Hart
Collette is bringing 12 years of Rainscreen Cladding industry knowledge to our teams. She will be a wonderful asset to have as your Marketing and Technical partner on all projects. Her goal is to help you close more Trespa projects by working with the contractors & GC networks. Her years of experience in Building Facades has amassed a great network of people and knowledge that she readily shares.
She has extensive knowledge of premium European and Domestic Rainscreen Cladding systems along with the regulations and solutions to Continuous Insulation for Thermal Performance.
What’s your full name and are you proud of it?
Collette Rosemary (Ego) Hart
Collette is unique to me, Rose & Mary were my Grandmothers. Ego is my maiden name and I’m very proud of it. Hart is my married name and I love Dave so I took his name (I did hyphen it for awhile – Ego-Hart was like a Care Bear Super Power Name)
Do you have any children?
Meghan – 16 & Annabel – 12
What are your favorite drinks of all time?
Daytime: Tim Horton’s Coffee
Nighttime: Collins Royal (served at the Fairmont hotels & my favorite place to drink them is in the Chateau Frontenac in Old Quebec City)
Where do you want to travel and where are some interesting places you have travelled?
Anywhere! But realistically: The United States & Europe. I’ve camped in the high arctic (-50°C / 54°F in March) and I’ve slept under the stars in the Outback of Australia (40°C / 104.0 °F).
Have you ever been to Europe? Where?
England, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands.
Do you love your Birthday or hide from it?
I shout it from the rooftops and celebrate it every year! I've spent almost every birthday on a beach (July 3rd).
Where did you go to University & what did you major in?
Mount Alison University in Sackville New Brunswick. Major in Commerce, Minor Classics & English.
What are the most powerful 3 words that changed your life?
It’s a girl!
Apple or Samsung?
Apple (but don't tell that to my new Samsung phone – we're learning to get along, sorry if I drop your call, it’s Samsung’s fault).
What lowers your blood pressure?
Walking into the horse barn, being near or on horses is one of my happy places.
What raises your blood pressure?
Watching my daughter in playoff hockey games! Or Walking into my teenage daughter’s bedroom which resembles an IKEA store (dishes, food, towels and bed in the middle).
What are some of the Building Projects that you're proud to have been involved in?
First Big Project: 60 Richmond St, Toronto: Fibre cement panels.
Most Recent Big Project: University of Toronto, Mississauga, North Building:
NBK Terra Cotta
Biggest Win: Ottawa Light Rail Transit 15 stations. Satisfying and building the architect a “vandal resistant panel system” and handing him the hockey stick to hit the panels.
Get in Touch with Collette:
Collette Hart